Sweet Peonies


Our Sweet Peonies fresh flowers bouquet feels like a dream that never ends. If you are looking for a Peony flower delivery or Tulips delivery, this bouquet is perfect for you! Pink and White Peonies are paired with Tulips Garden Roses & Tibet Roses. Fragrant Eucalyptus is sprinkled throughout for a bouquet that looks and feels magical. These wedding flowers style have a visual impact that is absolutely stunning. If you are looking order bouquet of flowers that feature soft, bohemian style, Sweet Peonies is the right choice. Please inquire about our flower delivery service to ensure that you receive this beautiful floral design when you need it!

Delivery: 2-3 hours after placing the order. Same day deliveries is 12pm.  If you need a bouquet “right now”, contact us and we will offer you bouquet options that we can deliver the fastest.

Call to Order: 646-508-4544