Lavender Love


Our Lavender Love custom flower bouquet is a refreshing bouquet of fresh flowers including a flurry of Lavender Anemones and White Lisianthus paired with Scabiosa flowers. The Roses Tibet and Hedera Berries lead the eye through this floral arrangement for an enchanted display that makes great sympathy flowers or birthday flowers. This floral design is perfect for celebrations and as event flowers or even weddings flowersThis floral arrangement is available for same day floral delivery, please inquire about our nyc flowers delivery to ensure that you receive this beautiful floral design when you need it!

Delivery: 2-3 hours after placing the order. Same day deliveries is 12pm.  If you need a bouquet “right now”, contact us and we will offer you bouquet options that we can deliver the fastest.

Call to Order: 646-508-4544