Sweet pink


Sweet Pink is a gorgeous arrangement of elegant flowers. Soft pink Roses and peach Garden Roses paired with white and black Scabiosa are surrounded by a flurry of green flowers including aromatic Eucalyptus and green Fern. Ammi Flowers and faded pink Ranunculuses give Sweet Pink a stunning charm and make this one of the best floral arrangements to have as wedding flowers or anniversary florals or even a mothers day flower delivery. Sweet pink also includes Tiber Roses, making it a lovely choice when looking to send roses to someone special with all of its affectionate rose varieties. This arrangement is available for our nyc fresh flower delivery to addresses in Brooklyn and Manhattan so that you can receive this delightful bundle as soon as possible!

Delivery: 2-3 hours after placing the order. Same day deliveries is 12pm.  If you need a bouquet “right now”, contact us and we will offer you bouquet options that we can deliver the fastest.

Call to Order: 646-508-4544